Take one minute to tell us who you are — and you'll instantly receive an email with login access to the EthnoHub sandbox.
It's free. It's instant. It's the real thing.

You get your own project space to play with. Switch perspective; see what it's like to be a researcher, client, or participant on your project.
You can also invite colleagues as researchers, clients, or participants.

By joining the sandbox you agree to the following terms: Provide your real identity, play nice in the sandbox, contact us with questions or problem reports. Your data is private. Each sandbox project is automatically erased after 14 days. We may contact you about your use of the sandbox and your interest in EthnoHub. The sandbox caps storage to 100 MB per project. We track use of the sandbox in order to improve our services (unlike paid accounts, which are only monitored to maintain availability, security, and reliability). Do not use the sandbox for real projects. We reserve the right to block sandbox accounts in case of abuse.

We like humans, not spammers.